Are you looking for coaching or just a training plan?
What is t2coaching?
What is t2training?
I started “coaching” 25 years ago. I use the term loosely because I was just creating training plans, not coaching. What is the difference? Anyone can find a training plan online, not everyone understands it, and often, does not follow the plan as it was intended to be followed with regards to frequency, duration and intensity, based on their goals and current fitness level. Coaching is teaching and provides motivation and accountability. When life presents challenges and it affects your training, your coach can help guide and provide the tools you need for success based on your life schedule, not someone else’s. I started training for triathlons 30 years ago and achieved great accomplishments as a self coached athlete. I have been coached, the benefits include learning a new skill, new perspective, education and accountability. I achieved my best performances when I had a coach. As a coach and athlete, I can say without a doubt, working with a coach has made the difference between just “training” and doing focused workouts based on current fitness and experience to meet a goal.
1. Structure
For many athletes, setting up the structure of their training is the hardest step. There are many components involved in how you prepare for your event. Factors like experience, goal time, time to train and others all come into play. This also makes it confusing. When should you do a base period? How long should your build be? You can certainly work to manage all of this, but it can frustrating. Coaches help athletes not obsess over their workouts and provide a focused day to day structure within the plan.
2. Accountability
For most athletes, knowing someone else is going to see if they miss or shorten a workout gets them out the door.
3. Motivation
Coaches not over provide accountability but are their cheerleader and motivator. We are with you on your journey and you can share with us and we get it. Having someone else to cheer you on and push your limits can make all the difference.
4. Education
There are certainly plenty of resources available to athletes- at times it can be too much. Picking and choosing from the large amount of information on the internet can be time consuming and stressful. Having someone invested in your goals to wade through that and provide a clear plan allows you to focus solely on getting the work done. Coaches can shorten the learning curve. I am a coach athlete so still experiencing the issues athletes I coach experience so can share how I over came and continue to over come certain issues. Coaches also give the feedback necessary to avoid making the same mistakes repeatedly by providing unbiased comments.
5. Lower the Chance of Overtraining/Injury
Endurance training can be addictive, and overtraining is a real concern. I was learned though iless and injury what not to do and can share that wisdom with athletes. Having someone else to monitor not just your daily workouts but your overall health can keep you from overdoing it. One aspect of training I am very keen on is making sure athletes rest, a snecessary as training in order to make fitness gains. For many athletes, taking a rest is the hardest part of training. Coaches reign in the athlete when they see issues that might happen. Going too hard, too often can lead to injury, something no athlete wants to experience. Having a coach pull back your training before an injury happens is highly valuable.
6. Time Management
This is an area where a I can help the most. I like to say you pay me to add time into your busy day. Most of us have limited time, priority is important and so is ensuring that every session has a purpose and no time is wasted
7. Psychology
There is a never ending list of elements to incorporate into your plan and the mental side of training is my favorite part of coaching. The mental aspect of training can not be underestimated. I have been racing for 25 years, believe me when I say, I have overcome the mental side of racing and training and have a lot to share.
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