t2coaching got its name from the triathlon’s second transition, which is the portion of the race an athlete will quickly change into their running gear to progress in the race
This is similar to our services – wherein athletes will transition to the next level with the utmost personalized/experience-based coaching…
Aimed to push one’s body to its FULL potential without compromising family, time, and setbacks.
This is achieved specifically through FOUR fundamental philosophies:
Our Fundamental Beliefs
1. BUILD A ‘BUDDY’ SYSTEM Many triathletes have experienced a neglectful coach – and it’s no fun. So an irrational belief t2coaching holds is to never hold more athletes than we can communicate with. This means same-day answers to questions, full investment in the athlete’s journey, and heavy emphasis on setting training around your life… Making the training feel much more light and bearable. |
2. COMPLETE EDUCATION INTEGRATION Training plans will be personalized, that’s a given… But so will educating athletes on THEIR process: What nutrition works for you? What freestyle component do you need to work on? How does this fueling strategy help you? Etc. Anyone can tell an athlete to follow a plan – but it’ll be much better to teach them the plan + how it works… A fundamental philosophy proven by our athlete’s countless finishes despite having limited IRL coaching. |
3. CATERED PRE-MADE CONTENT Over 500+ YouTube videos are associated/made by t2coaching, both public and private. They document everything you need to know about the sport – and you can find some here for free. However, t2coaching will provide athletes with videos, blogs, or PDFs relevant to their race/roadblocks. Giving athletes a hands-off approach when learning more about the sport. |
4. FITNESS IS OUR #1 PRIORITY You’re not meant to train yourself to deaths-door for a triathlon – Sure there are times when an athlete will feel like collapsing after a hard fought-race… However, this sport is where you’re meant to get out of the same mundane environment we’re in every day and challenge yourself like you never have before. So with the extensive training log program where an athlete’s abilities & workout preferences will be recorded, t2coaching will help you achieve that ultimate experience. |
Like Our Philosophy?
About the Coach
My triathlon journey started when there was no internet, podcasts, or groups to ask questions or learn from other athletes’ experiences. I had to gain my stripes the hard way.
In short, it was hard. But I loved it.
I had countless illnesses and injuries, overtrained for many seasons, and was occasionally limping across the finish line. Yes, these setbacks stopped me from doing what I loved (inside and outside the sport), but they also crafted who I am today.
After realizing I could help athletes go through the ‘learning curve’ faster and more purposely… I thought, “Why not turn what I love into a job” and began a career in the industry. This was 25 years ago.
Although I started to coach people with paper and pencil training plans… Over the decades, I would say it worked out pretty well for me 🙂
About Me

My triathlon journey started when there was no internet, podcasts, or groups to ask questions or learn from other athletes’ experiences. I had to gain my stripes the hard way. After doing 21 IMs & 10 Konas, I can say that it was hard. But I loved it…
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