I like to set small challenges on my path to new habits like commit to “streak” of something every day for a month. It will vary depending on what my goal is. If I want to increase my running or biking consistency, I will do a run or bike streak. For example, running 1 mile every day, or biking 30 minutes every day. Likewise, if you to improve your swimming, commit to frequency and technique. When I started strength training in 2010, I committed to a few movements every day until it became a habit. If my challenge is nutritional, I might commit to drinking half my body weight in ounces

When creating goals, categorize them into a family, health, relationships, finances and or career. Maybe you decide you want to make more income, create more balance, train more or less, fine-tune your nutrition, spend more time with your family. Or maybe you want to focus on more “me” time — whatever works for you.
Sit down and answer the following questions for each of the categories listed above. 1) What do you enjoy and what would you change about your current lifestyle with the categories listed above. 2) What is your WHY? 3) Do you have mental barriers that might keep you from attaining your goal? Your answers will often dictate how you plan to transition into the New Year with New habits.
Write down your Specific and Measurable goal and when you want to achieve it. Express your goal with a friend or coach to determine if that goal is attainable and realistic based on your experience and availability to prepare for it.
Next, create an action plan. No one will make your goals happen for you. An action plan is what gives your goal power. Set some objectives. Objectives help create a process for attaining your goal. Small, measurable steps over time allow you to build on your success. Start with some daily/weekly/monthly actions and set some challenges to guide you.
“if you always do what you always did, then you will always get what you always got.”
The bottom line is that there is no quick fix or magic time to live and make your dreams a reality. You owe it to yourself to practice healthy habits with your goals in mind. The more days you string together of living as well as possible, the stronger you become, and the more likely your habits will lead to success with your goal.
Please share your new habits and challenges in our t2endurance Facebook group
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