Whether you are a new or experienced swimmer, training for your first or 50th triathlon, it is important to measure progress in the pool if your goal is to get fitter, stronger, faster.
A great way to measure progress and the success of your swimming workouts is to start a new training phase with a a swim test and perform every 4-8 weeks. Regular testing will help determine which areas (technique, aerobic conditioning, strength and speed) you’ve improved in, and which areas you still need to work on. This will also help us coaches revise training programs, based on results, to progress you to optimal performance.
For my first Water Workout Wednesday I decided to swim a baseline test to get you started off right.
WU: For 10’ minutes. Do some easy swimming. Also, do whatever technique drills help you to feel most buoyant, balanced, and fluid in the water. MS: 1000 meters/yards for time. Distance will depend on your current experience and comfort level in the pool. CD: 100-200 easy
If you incorporate a variety of technique and strength based workouts into your training plans, the next time you swim your 1000, you may still swim the same time, although it will feel easier, then with more purposeful workouts targeting your technique limiter, you will see progress with faster times.
Want to Master the Basics of Freestyle?
Want to Swim Faster in 30 days?
t2Coaching: How to Swim Faster in 30 Days: A Freestyle Guide to Dropping Time
Learn more about t2coaching and Training plans here
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